The Girbau Experience Center

“We don’t want a showroom”

Girbau is one of the leading manufacturers of industrial laundry machinery in the world, and its potential customers are hotels, commercial laundries or sellers, and other businesses that need to deal with huge amounts of clothing in the shortest possible time. Our task consisted of creating an experience and a space in which Girbau’s large-scale machinery could be on display.


We identified three areas: The first is the reception area: a warm yet formal setting where visitors are welcomed and first come into contact with the brand. An automated system reduces the brightness of the lights and projects video mapping onto a circular canvas, like that of a washing machine drum. Once the installation finishes, the surface of the screen opens: it is the door through which the display area can be accessed.


A space with high ceilings where we restored the original wooden beams to offset the coldness of the machinery. We used the surfaces of the walls to add explanatory messages, taking inspiration rather humbly from museums.


The script had various endings for the experience, for which spaces such as a training classroom and a coffee point were created for the visit to come to an end in a relaxed setting.