Café Pans

Space branding to change value proposition

The appearance of new players on the scene, plus new forms and habits of consumption, have led Pans & Company to reconsider its value proposition. The aim was to reposition the brand, from traditional fast food to casual food, expanding its proposition and the times at which it is consumed.

To adapt Pans to the new consumer trends, we developed a new space open to the street: the Pans café. The objective was to facilitate the take away and at the same time adapt to the consumer’s behavior by reducing their brakes to access the interior, giving the establishments a freer and more welcoming character, in the strictest sense.

Something we achieve with what we at Knock call scenic branding. Brands often find the need to deploy themselves in physical space, something we interpret as a stage outing to perform in front of their audience. From the selection of materials to the creation of elements, lighting, textures and, of course, messages, everything has the potential to channel the brand.

“Fully engaging with a project is even helping choose the paper to wrap sandwiches.”

Architecture studio: GAC 300